Thomas Hiller created a wonderful record of his life in the form of a picture which he began at school and finished in his retirement.

In the back of the picture frame is hidden a detailed description of the painting and a double sided panel in which he writes his life story. In his own words on the back label he explains :

“Do unto all as you would all should do unto you
This picture has a Double back between which is an Explanation of the whole as numbered from …[]…and of that part of the Isle of Thanet including BROADSTAIRS and MARGATE being, a distance of about 5 miles the prominent part of which exhibits the building in which I was born on the 6th of April in the year 1768=12. Observe Reader! 1768=12. The first being the era of His Lord’s! First advent as manifesting HIMSELF! as the SON of GOD! and 12 being the era of HIS! manifesting HIMSELF! As He! was, is and ever will BE!!! our FATHER! The LORD! The GOD! Of Heaven and Earth, and now 1843=87 it is eighty seven years since the commencement of the LORD’S! second manifestation to the Christian world*, of course there is …. in Christendom which were born before that commencement therefore to be the Heirs to the Kingdom of God! It is necessary that we receive, acknowledge, adore and love the King! (……! The Lord Jesus Christ), but I return to the explanation of the picture which I done part of in 1781=25. at school, and finished in 1841=85. a period of 60 years, which brought me to the seventy fourth year of my age. In the course of my pilgrimage I experienced many things the particular ones I purpose publishing in a Brief History of my life in which I shall have frequently to mention some one or other of the 26 vessels and ships which I sailed in from 1782 to 92 as an apprentice, Cook, steward, seaman, Boatswain, second mate and chief mate and those I commanded from 1792 to 1825 when I laid in my lead and Line. Thomas Hiller. “
See the Inner Panels page for a full transcript of the life history hidden in the back of the picture