This is a page to record and make sense of the various significant dates and events in Thomas Hillers life so the documents and the information from his picture can be understood in context. Unless otherwise stated all events relate to the life of Thomas Hiller.
c.1766 – Father John Frederick Hiller becomes lighthouse keeper
1768 – T.H. Born 6th April at the North Foreland lighthouse, Broadstairs, Kent
1770 – Birth of wife Sarah Hugget on 22nd Feb
1779 – April [aged 11] – placed at the Royal Hospital School Greenwich. There for 2 years and 10 months (from panel story) including 7 months holiday.
1781 – started work on the The Picture at school (age 13)
1782 – April [aged 14] – begins career as mariner on first vessel – “bound out to Cap.n Tyson of Faversham “
1783 – “In June I was bound to Captain Thomas Blackburn of St. Peters for six years. I served him the six years during the time he caused me to act in all capacities below a chief Mate, two year after I was out of my time [1891] he sent me out to the West Indies to take the Command of the Keeling Brig belonging to him. I went out acting as Boatswain and Second Mate with his Son (Geo. Blackburn) in the Thomas, and my not liking her I would not take the Command of her but returned in the Thomas which so offended him (my former Master) that he never would serve me any more! “Well” I was young, healthy, strong, willing, Industrious a Seaman a Navigator and a Married man with an unblemish’d character, the world before me. T. F. H. “
1792 – [abt. 24] becomes Commander of various vessels
1812 – Baptism as an adult into the New Church. September 27th at Friar Street, Blackfriars

1816 – Death of father – John Frederick Hiller (of the Nth Foreland Lighthouse) on 6th September. Funeral sermon by Manoah Sibley on the 3rd Nov (see info on Page)

1825 – retires as a mariner
1834 – April – living at 5 Nelson Terrace, City Road, London
1836 – copy of a letter to Thomas Brown Esq. 5th of May 1836. from T.H. of 5 Nelson Terrace, York Place, City Road
1838 – paints silhouette of father John F HIller

1841 Census – living at No. 5 Retired Fisher’s Alms Houses Trinity House Houses Bethnal Green. Thomas Hiller aged 75. Also present Ann Warner aged 46 – nurse

1841 – Completes The Picture (age 74) with illustrations of his vessels and life history texts

1845 – September 3rd – written description of dream where T.H. is visited by a spiritual being. See this Visionary Dream post for full text
1849 – Death