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A Visionary Dream

A lone sheet of paper dated 3rd September 1845 records a a dream of Thomas Hiller’s which he must have found affecting enough to record for posterity. There is some resonance here with the writings and life experience of Emanuel Swedenborg who described regular spiritual experinces and meetings with angels and other spirit entities.

Full trancript below

September 3rd
After making and preparing this book and two more, to record any occurrence that might occur or remark I might have to make on any subject or matter, I might think proper to make; I retired to rest and previous to my rising the next morning I dreamed I was on a very elevated spot lying naked with my face towards the ground which was beautiful, clean, soft and of a remarkable brilliant white. The mound on which I lay was in the centre of a large open space surrounded by lofty buildings with many very high towers all built of brick; a being, whether natural or spiritual I cannot say, (but I should say it was a spiritual being as appearing in a white cloud) was standing on the right side of me, but by what I saw of him I should say spiritual. I observed “would it not be a very remarkable circumstance if those buildings were to fall and leave me here” and on my turning my face to the left I saw one of the towers falling in a direction which I was sure would fall on me. I was not the least bit alarmed but looking to the right no one was there. After a short time on looking around me the whole was a heap of ruins and no one part of the ruins was one third as high as the mound on which I lay. I had not changed my position neither could I experience and change in my sensations or feelings from the time or during the time I lay there. I lay down, the being which before I saw on my right, while I lay thinking on what all this could mean came again on my left , and I observed to him “is not this a sign I am left to teach them truth;” I had no reply on either observation I made to him, and how or which way I left the place I know not. But I was dressed in my usual clothes seated at a desk in a very large room with a very large sheet of paper before me full of my writing. In the first line above a yard long I had made a mistake and scratched it out. When the same being as was on the mound with me pointed to the mistake and said “those blunders made by ourselves make us appear very ignorant” I said ”I liked to do it myself and in making mistakes it shewed there was none of us perfect” and awaking, I awoke in a state of placid peace.

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