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Captain Thomas Hiller

This site explores the life of Thomas Hiller (1768 – 1849) of Broadstairs in the Isle of Thanet, Kent.
Much of this has be discovered through his illustrations and journals.

The house I grew up in had lots of artwork on the walls. One of the pictures looked different to the rest and when our father said it was painted by an old sea captain called Thomas Hiller I imagined treasure maps and tales of adventure on the high seas. When the painting was examined more closely a series of handwritten panels was discovered inside the back of the picture frame. On these Thomas Hiller tells his life story with the names of all the vessels he sailed in – those he illustrated in the margins of the painting.

With the picture were some other documents including Thomas Hiller’s journal note books which give insight into his daily life, family relations and Christian faith.  They testify to his deeply held theological convictions and he transcribes passages from the works of Emmanuel Swedenborg, the Swedish mystic and theologian whose writings led to the formation of the New Jerusalem Church and influenced many christian and spiritual movements in subsequent generations.  Hiller’s father Frederick was a reverend minister who may have been the first to read and preach Swedenborg’s teachings in this part of the country – the Isle of Thanet in Kent. 

The documents and picture could be of interest to naval historians and there may be many other  connections for people researching family history, Kent local history, ships, lighthouses and much more. This site aims to present and share these documents so they can be appreciated, reach a wider audience, and help us to piece together the bigger picture of Thomas Hiller’s life and works. 


  1. Siobhan Hooke Siobhan Hooke

    Hi I’ve been doing my family research and thomas hiller is my 6th great grandfather. How wonderful to see his carer and strong there a picture of him anywhere that isnt a silhouette.kind regards

    • Site Host Site Host

      Hi Siobhan, great to hear from a Hiller descendant! I woudl also love to see a proper picture of Thomas. I am sure there must be one out there somewhere. The nearest clue to his appearance – appart from the silhouette – is a face drawn on the cover flap of one of his journals. You can see it on the last journal shown on this site. He doesnt say who it is so it is just a guess it could be him! love to hear from you if you discover anything yourself. Best wishes, Micah

  2. stephen hiller, Devonport Tasmania stephen hiller, Devonport Tasmania

    Swedenborg Society supposedly held documents that had belonged to Thomas Hiller. They tried, about 40 years ago, unsuccessfully I was told, to locate descendants in Australia. Did they try UK? (My ggfather was Caleb Joshua, born 1840 B’stairs.

  3. Loretta Loretta

    Hello, I recently discovered your website and have found it very interesting reading.
    I am in contact with the granddaughter of a cousin who it would seem obtained information from the Swedenborg Society about Capt. Thomas Hiller and references it in her writings about the Hiller family.
    I’d like to add that my great grandfather was Henry Hiller ( born 1851, in Broadstairs) and the younger brother of Caleb.

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